Meet Pearl, the talented woman behind Maya & Ruhi. Pearl, is a stay-at-home-mom and self-taught jewelry maker. Learn about the passion that has overtaken her dining room table, and get a look at her exclusive designs.
Read on to find out what inspires her, discover the real Maya and Ruhi, and how she finds balance in her life.
Where do you call home? Are you from there originally?
I was born in Singapore, and live here now. I lived in England and Dubai for about 10 years, over University and after getting married, but moved back to Singapore about 8 years ago, because my husband and I agreed that Singapore was a good environment to be bringing up kids.

Anything or everything, really. It just depends whether I am "in the zone" at that moment. If I am receptive, anything can become an inspiration.
A lot of the time, I look through history books on art, jewelry, architecture, cultural movements. My particular favourites are those on the Pre-Raphaelite and Art Nouveau movements, Elizabethan and Baroque jewelry, and the treasures of the Mughals. These amaze me to no end. The ostentatiousness, the artistry, the creativity, the inspirations. I also am an avid magazine "flicker-through-er". I am always bowled over by the gorgeously styled photo shoots of VOGUE.

I have 3 pretty large tattoos. One sugar skull on my leg, one Japanese demon on my arm, and the Chinese character for 'love' at the back of my neck.

I started dabbling in making jewelry about 5 years back. My sister is a fashion designer, and has her own boutique, so I put them in her shop on a consignment basis. It was an outlet for my creative energies, and to stay sane while being a stay-at-home-mom.

Maya and Ruhi are my daughters. Maya is now 10, and Ruhi is 5. Both are Sanskrit names - my husband is of Indian origin. "Maya" means "illusion", and "Ruhi" means "spirit". They also have Chinese names, as I am of Chinese origin. But I think MAYA & RUHI sounds much more alluring than SHAN & MIN. ;)

Hands down, my favourite thing about selling handmade is the relationships I develop with my customers when I work on a custom piece. It gets unbelievably fun bouncing ideas off each other, seeing how things inspire other people, and helping them materialise their visions.
Many customers have become good friends over the years, and I have customed many meaningful pieces, including for weddings, and family pieces. By family pieces I mean jewelry sets made entirely of the birthstones of the whole family, intended to be heirlooms. I am just so honoured to be able to do these things for my wonderful customers who have become really good friends.

My day-job is the real Maya and Ruhi. And that's really a 24/7 job. No weekends, no off days. Etsy is my escape! ;) I work mainly after they go to bed. But now that both are in school, I do get the mornings to myself, and get some work done then as well. Timing has been pretty good, 'coz they are getting more and more independent, and I am able to spend more time on my growing business.

I bought this Watching Ring from DillonDesigns, and this Folded Wings Ring from RagTrader. I wear them ALL the time.
Just a few days back, I bought a couple of feather headbands from AFarmersDaughter. I can't wait for them to arrive.
Right now I am thinking of getting some art from MyPinkTurtleStudio. I love Frida Kahlo, and Lulu's interpretations and visions are just out-of-this-world. I am seriously in love...

Watching The Style Network.
Surfing the Net
Playing Junior Monopoly
Blogging (here)
Hanging out at Borders The Bookstore

I don't really have one. Possibly the real Maya & Ruhi's few pieces of baby clothing that I have preserved. Other than that, I try not to accumulate stuff. I used to be a serial hoarder, keeping every single thing for any sentiment's sake. Until I met my husband, who taught me the importance of De-cluttering. Just one of the things that I so admire about him. :)
The one other thing...
Yoga is my lifesaver. Since I began doing yoga regularly (again) about 6 months back, my energy levels are up, and I feel more in control of things. In turn, I am finding more balance in my life, setting aside crafting time from being at the computer, and being in-the-moment when I am with the real Maya and Ruhi, instead about worrying about a certain project or completing orders.

Pearl is going to let the winner choose any piece from her shop valued at $32 or less (this includes shipping) *If the piece you choose exceeds $32, just checkout normally, but wait for a revised invoice (for the difference) before paying.
Pearl would like to know the things YOU do to keep your lives in balance!
To enter, please leave a comment on this post with your answer, name, and email address or Etsy username.
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway: 2 additional entries
Follow mine and Pearl's blogs: 5 additional entries
Blog about this interview/contest: 7 additional entries
Purchase from Maya & Ruhi: 10 additional entries
(Please include this info, if applicable, with your comment for additional entries. You do not need to leave separate comments for additional entries.)
Contest ends Sunday, June 21st at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen by traditional drawing and will be announced Monday, June 22nd.
My way to keep my life in balance is a little silly. ^_^ I do sudoku every evening, which helps me relax and fall asleep. I used to take baths on stressful nights, but now I don't have a bathtub, so I cant!
abigail.lee {at} gmail.com
Balance can be tricky with being a wife, mother, and working from home. The best thing for me to do is make sure I spend time doing the things that I love each day...playing with my son, late night chats with the hubby, etc.
I garden or go to the parks for my balance!...it helps me to be relaxed, calm and joyous, I adore and appreciate life and each moment...
This jewelry is very inspiring, has a tranquil and peaceful magic!
It would be a treat to win because her pieces are absolutely amazing!
I always make sure to have some time for myself, be it just sitting alone in my room or enjoying a nice day shopping!
I follow both of your blogs.
I tweeted:
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
I cannot manage my time!! I've tried. I've even made schedules for myself and such....doesn't work!!!
P.S. Love your jewelry!!!
oh this is great question! when I'm not studying for exams (crazy last week), I just watch tv, some pointless shows, the sillier the better:D ok, not all the time, I do it like half an hour or so, until I realize how brain damaging this is:D
oh and I follow your blog and hers too:)
Such a good question! I keep balance by reminding myself to "be present" as often as I can. When I feel like things are spinning, I bring myself back to center by nudging my mind to be present and in the moment.
I also do yoga. And talk to myself in the car. It sounds crazy, but those little mini self-therapy sessions are quite helpful : )
Thank you for the opportunity; the giveaway winner is going to have a tough time narrowing down their choices for the giveaway-- Pearl's stuff is SO great and unique!
secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a mother of an almost 3 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. It sometimes is hard to keep balance. But I try and do that by scrapbooking, blogging, making homemade cards and I TRY to garden.
by the way..the jewelry is beautiful.
And..I have become a follower of yours and Pearls blogs
oops...=> My name is Tara Steele and my email is tarasteele7@hotmail.com
keeping my life in balance is always a changing strategy.
I make lots of lists. Physical ones on paper so I can cross stuff off.
I run.
I do yoga.
I take naps anytime I can on the weekends.
I cook, take baths, read books I enjoy.
Somedays I need one thing to balance out my day and somedays I need 10.
branappetit at gmail. com
I like to dance and sing but only when I am alone! Because it is really embarrassing. ^^
I love this shop! Beautiful!
thanks a lot.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I follow both blogs!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
Well, to keep my life in balance, I try to make sure I always leave some time to soak in the tub and read, or just veg out on the couch. Rest and relaxation are a definite must in order to be energetic enough to get all the to-do's of the day complete!
Sarah C.
I follow your and Pearl's blogs!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/hellojournalist/status/2181891305
I, too, am making the effort to reduce my own amount of clutter and to lead a simpler life. But, clutter doesn't mean you can't have a few pairs of awesome earrings, so I'd LOVE to add the Cream pearls in a row to my collection.
I keep my life balanced with prayer.
I snuggle with my dogs, that keeps me sane :)
Thank you!
Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/2182890444
Thank you!
tweet entry #2
I'm a follower of both blogs on Blogger/Google Friend. :) Thank you!
follow entry #2
follow entry #3
follow entry #4
follow entry #5
Hi! I go to the grocery store to browse by myself or to Walgreens. Also, I read some magazines along with my serious reading to help unburden my mind. My husband helps, so I will go to him for his crazy sense of humor to keep me balanced, as well. We will watch "Blazing Saddles" or "Young Frankenstein" or "History of the World". Mel Brooks' movies trip me out! Also, I will watch some Dave Chappelle, since I tend to be too serious and need this to keep me balanced!
I need to read the Scriptures every day to keep the day in perspective. It's so easy to let life cause worry and upset, but God gives a peace that can't be found except through Him. I try to use technology minimally because that too saps us of precious time and balance.
Shelley C
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
i try to make sure i do something fun everyday and not keep myself too serious or preoccupied with worrisome things. even a chat on the phone with a friend helps!
I like to curl up with a good book, or listen to music. It makes me feel relaxed and refreshed. :)
I follow both of your blogs
as lame as this sounds, I make to do lists and set a limited amount of time to do each task. I figure out what i have to do everyday and set an allotted time so I can do everything in time.
I follow your and Pearl's blog.
To help me maintain balance, I try to do all things in moderation. A moderate amount of exercise, food, rest, fun time, sleep, etc. Thanks for the chance to win!
my life isnt really in balance at the moment, it's kind of crazy. but I have decided to try and start doing yoga! (I purchased a beggeners dvd)
my name is megan myers
my email is meganscase@gmail.com
I love the Cream Pearls in a Row earrings!
I make lists and calendars. I just graduated from a project intensive college program (fashion design and on quarter system) so I am pretty good at keeping focused on things I need to do, so long as I have them written down so I don't forget!
Sara, etsy: kittybblove
I also twittered this giveaway: http://twitter.com/kittybabylove
I try to not take myself too seriously!
I knit and make felted flower accessories, and obsess over my camera, and obsess over alpacas and animals in general that I actually have, like my cats, and try to travel a couple times a year to new places.
A balanced life is always a goal but rarely a reality for me due to health problems. I enjoy being with my wonderful dog,and great friends and family. To relax I love watching classic movies from the 1930's and 40's.
Gorgeous!! I keep my life in balance by not scheduling the kids in a 1001 activities. We keep it very simple.
I make sure to take the time to go dancing every so often, even if I'm very tired the next day.
I follow both blogs.
Balance. I think I teeter most of the time, but I have a pocket calendar that saves my hide. I'm a single mom of 4 kids with 2 jobs, so things can get tricky. My little calendar is my lifeline!
I feel most balance when I go to the beach or spend the day doing outdoor activities. I stay balanced by not taking life so seriously. And by always keep my prescription filled!!!
I also tweeted.
To keep a balanced life, I try and make a little time for myself each day no matter how busy I am with other things. This could be listening to music, creating art, or just sitting out on our porch.
I just added my self to be a follower of your & Pearl's blogs too!
To keep myself in balance I usually just take a little nap, when you wake up your mind is so clear and fresh, its a nice feeling :D
tmmylm at gmail
I'm following your's and Pearl's blog
tmmylm at gmail
I use a variety of passtimes to keep my life in balance. I sew, paint, play games online, sculpt, etc. Whenever the world seems a bit overwhelming, I can just zone out into a favorite hobby and relax.
I follow both of your blogs :)
Im just happy listening to the lovely song here right now.
Thank you.
i alwyas set time away from the busy nature of my life by reading or just taking a nap1
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
How do I keep life in balance? I laugh a lot and look for things to take joy in!
Great question and great giveaway!
Kara A
Awesome shop!!!!
To keep balanced, I like to do yoga, go for walks, and laugh a lot(or try to at least)! There is nothing better then sitting at the dinner table, with my husband and son.
To keep my life balanced, I attend conferences about literature. They're a week of fun, laughter and discussion with friends from all over the world. It's a way to escape everyday life for a while and it keeps me sane.
Would love to choose a special birthday treat for myself. I spend 24/7 with my 2 & 3 yr olds, I make sure that when they are sleeping I do things for myself. Either catching up online, scrapbooking, exercising, or just relaxing on the couch. Quite time is my time!
I created a blog post also. Thanks for this wonderful treat. Love your designs.
As a mother to 3 young children, balance is key to keeping my sanity. Balance includes (1)Time for tea or coffee. (2)Spending a good chunk of time outdoors (though it's more difficult in the summer as it's so hot outside, thanks to living in the south). (3)Knitting and art. (4)And staying up late when the children are all peacefully asleep.
I breathe deeply and keep myself rehydrated.
Jay (sealikesky at gmail.com)
I keep in balance by taking time for myself and doing things that I love to do.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I follow yours and Pearl's blogs.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I follow yours and Pearl's blogs.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
3. I follow yours and Pearl's blogs.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
4. I follow yours and Pearl's blogs.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
5. I follow yours and Pearl's blogs.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
3. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
4. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
5. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I read books and have a spa once in a while to balance my life. :D
Unfortunately I used to smoke before a lot, now I only smoke one cigarette just before going to bed. I go out and look at the sky, listen to the silence and simply relax. I hope do it without smoking soon.
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Follow both!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
already follow you :)
I will be tweeting givwaway until the 22nd.
AS for balance, water and mini-meditations/mantras seem to work best for me.
carolynw {at} imedge {dot} net
To keep my life in balance I like to read a good book, snuggle with my 7 year old, or just take a hot bath!
Hello, I love your jewellry and hope to win a lovely item from your shop.I keep my life in balance by going a daily walk by the riverside where I relax and see beautiful eagles soaring above me.I snuggle with my black cat buffy.I listen to music light incense and have a relaxing cup of tea.Marian Thomson
I read every night. It makes me happy.
andthen at me dot com
Beautiful work. Really. Just beautiful.
I hike, garden, and laugh to keep my life in balance.
Beautiful jewelry, thanks for sharing. I found you through Tip Junkie.
I just became a follower of both blogs and look forward to it.
Thank you again, Martha at msakelley at gmail dot com
Wow, Lory! Thanks for introducing me to Pearl and her gorgeous work! I am amazed at her beautiful jewelry and enjoyed reading about the woman (and two young ladies) behind it!
Amy (thebline)
Off to tweet this to others!
Finding balance is always hard for me, but I have found the best thing I can do is make sure I am always find time to have fun with my kids. Everything else can wait if it needs to.
Wow, this is some fantastic jewelry! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
french_mk at yahoo dot com
When I get caught up in the stess of LIFE, I like dance and have fun with my little one!
My blog is private so if you need to see it then let me know!
I love the Anne! So stinkin cute
honestly i doubt anyone has found balance in their lives...and if they have, i personally would like to know ur secret...i myself have not found balance in life but what gets me really close is reading...i love books...would die if i went blind (sorry if i've offend anyone)..reading takes me further away from this chaotic life...a personal runaway...my name is Danielle Kot...I think maya&ruhi designs are beautiful..something i'd want to where for prom...i've always loved the tudor times...n this esembles that...cycbercelgurl_2004@hotmail.com
The job I have really puts things in perspective for me. I'm a critical care nurse (and hubby is an EMT) - I take care of patients from newborns, postpartum mamas and people at the end of their life. It really makes me grateful for my health and my happy, healthy family. That said, it is very stressful and I have to remember to make it a point to take "me time" to decompress and just relax from the pressures of work, housework, motherhood, wifehood, etc!
I follow the two blogs!
I follow the 2 blogs !
I follow the blogs (3)
I follow the blogs (4)
I follow yall's blogs
I keep my life in balance by making sure I get enough sleep and finding time to do something for me each day.
acm211 [at] gmail [dot] com
Being a mom of three, the most important thing to me right now is making sure that I have some time to my self!
following you and Pearl
What a great giveaway. Such beautiful earring. Who wouldnt want the chance to wear them and show them off. Here's hoping I am lucky!
A long hot (undisturbed)shower, I found my tranquility in the bathroom... and yes, I used to do yoga and it relieved my stress, I wish I had the time to do it again.
following both lovely blogs! #1
following both lovely blogs! #2
following both lovely blogs! #3
following both lovely blogs! #4
following both lovely blogs! #5
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