Meet Monica, the radiant woman behind Etsy shop Moon Over Maize.
Monica's shop is filled with stunning jewelry inspired by Mother Nature and the beauty she sees in the world around her.
Take a peek, you won't be disappointed. And the prize? It will take your breath away.
Keep reading for a glimpse into her life, her beautiful creations,
and learn how that lovely shop name came about.
What inspires you?
My main sources of inspiration are my two darling children and Mother Nature, both of which keep my creativity flowing.

Home for me is wherever my family is and for the past 3 years that place has been Utah. Before that we lived in England and I would love to go back one day.
Name something unique to where you live.
We live very close to Golden Spike which is where the Union and Central Pacific Railroads joined to create the nation's first transcontinental railroad.
Share an interesting fact about yourself.
My husband and I met on Sept. 11, 2001.
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be?
What made you decide to open up shop?
I had been thinking about it for years and after I had my second child I just got fed up with thinking about it and dove straight in.
How did you come up with your shop name? Any special significance?
My daughter's middle name is Maize and I knew I wanted to include that somehow. I tend to produce pieces while she is sleeping hence the "Moon Over Maize" name.
Name your favorite thing about selling handmade.
I love everything about homemade! Each piece is so special as it was worked by your hands and each piece will be slightly different and unique, but perfect all the same.

I stay at home with my two young children and work like mad during naps and after they've gone to sleep at night.
Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
I like to get up by 5:30 so I can hopefully have a bit of time to myself to answer convos, renew items, list new products, etc. My son is usually awake by 6am and plays some games on Nick Jr while I pack up orders or work on a new design. My daughter gets up around 7 and then it's time for breakfast and playtime. We play until nap time and then I work on whatever needs my attention. After naps it's more playtime, running errands and getting dinner ready. The kids normally go to sleep around 8:30 and then I'm busy again with making jewelry!
Share with us a favorite Etsy purchase or shop.
I have made numerous purchases on Etsy and have loved every single one! I've recently purchased a ring from JealousyDesign and it is exquisite!

I love to read, hike in the mountains, play tennis and board games.
Read any good books lately?
The last book I read was over a year ago and it was The Last Lecture. It was a wonderfully written book that I should probably reread again.
What is your most prized possession?
I absolutely adore the wedding dress my Mom made for me. It's stunning and perfect and made me feel like a million dollars on my wedding day!
What are three of your favorite foods?
Artichokes, homemade pizza and stove popped popcorn....mmmmmm

I would love to learn more about photography.
What are you listening to right now?
My son playing a game on Nick Jr.
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why.
One place I felt I had to visit was England and I have now had the pleasure of living there. From a young age I was obsessed with the King Arthur and Robin Hood tales. I grew up wanting to marry an Englishman and I did! There is something about the history and charm of England that is constantly calling my name.
Monica, thank you for stopping by to share with us. It was a pleasure getting to know you better.
Follow Monica on twitter or become a fan on facebook to stay up-to-date!

Isn't the necklace shown above breathtaking? Well, guess what! Monica is so graciously offering one to this week's lucky, lucky winner!
To enter to win Her Majesty's Necklace, just leave a comment on this post with your favorite piece (or pieces - it's hard to pick just one) from Monica's shop. Don't forget to include your name and contact info - Etsy username or email address.
Good luck!
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway: 2 additional entries
Follow my blog: 5 additional entries
Blog about this interview/contest: 7 additional entries
Purchase from Moon Over Maize: 10 additional entries
(Please include this info, if applicable, with your comment for additional entries. You do not need to leave separate comments for additional entries. Important: Don't forget to include your name and contact info!)
I apologize for the delay in this week's post. As a result, I will be adding a extra day for you to enter, so this contest will end Monday, November 16th at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen by traditional drawing and will be announced Tuesday, November 17th.
What a beautiful interview and gorgeous prize! I love the Old Forest Necklace in Monica's shop. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Great interview. My favorite piece is the Days Gone By Necklace!
I love the Sweet Romance Necklace. Simple and classy. :)
Love the uniqueness of the Ashen Sky Necklace
It's very nice to know more from the artist behind the piece.
Oh my...so difficult to chose a jewel, but I think I'll take the Mystery Labradorite Necklace, the Moonlit Earrings and the Falling Leaves Necklace and I could go on...
I love her shop
my favorite is Days Gone By Necklace
i TWITTED http://twitter.com/SumikoShop
Love her Gleaming Labradorite Earrings.
I follow your blog.
I love the Pure Passion Necklace.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
+2 Tweeted
aikychien at yahoo dot com
+5 I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
+7 I blogged.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I enjoyed reading your interview, job well done! How can I choose one single piece of jewelry as my favorite?? They are all so lovely.
Since I have two sweet little ones of my own, I guess the children's name necklace would be a good choice.
I really like the pure passion one also:)
I am now a new follower:)
Trish Vaughn
Hazy Sky Necklace is my fav!
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I love Monica and her amazing jewelry! I would b thrilled to win :)
I followed your blog +5!
I love all Monica's creations, I met Monica through a home birth forum 2 years ago so naturally I gravitated towards her home birth and midwife necklaces. I purchased one for myself and one for my midwife this year.
new follower +5
Tweeted +2
Blogged +7
I love her Copper Glow Necklace, so beautiful.
I follow your blog
Sydney S
sszumski @ Etsy
Awesome interview!!
I love Monica's jewelry, especially this piece:
It is wonderful to get to "know" her better as we are both part of Etsy Project Embrace! I am following your blog now too....YAY!!
:) Kristin
I've been a fan of Monica's shop for several months now, having seen her work shortly after I set up shop on Etsy back in January. We are team members of Etsy Project Embrace, and when she posted about this blog interview and the giveaway, I scooted right on over! Her work is simply fabulous, romantically elegant, and just perfect!
Oh yes, I am now following your blog... it's quite a nice one!
And in Monica's shop, my favorite piece is the Ancient Forest necklace... I love the earthy dark colors, and my home is in the middle of the woods... so this particular piece speaks to me.
Monica is such a nice, friendly presence here on the internet...it has been a pleasure to meet her and to get to know her better in this interview. I love her pieces and here's my favorite
Children's Name...very unique
I am following your lovely blog and twitter. I will also tweet about this contest (even though I want to be the one to win)
Love the Children's Names Necklace Personalized - Rectangles
blog follower
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
i just love Monica and her shop - she does wonderful work (and plays tennis, cool!!) I love the wish and hope necklace and especially that giveaway necklace - SO PICK ME!! It's hard to pick a favorite!!!!!! Great interview - i really enjoyed reading that.
Good luck to me.....LOL laura :D
ooh I am so excited, this shop has been in my favorites for months! I love the Mystery necklace, the Warmth necklace, and especially Her Majesty's Necklace!
I love the Queen Anne's necklace!
I absolutely love Monica's work! My current favorite, thogh it's SO hard to choose one. is the Mystery Labradorite Pendant...stunning and mysterious!
I love the giveaway but I also loved her First Frost Persian Turquoise Earrings!
anne molino at hotmail dot com
blog follower # 1
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blog follower # 5
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My FAVORITE piece is most definitely "Darkest Night Brightest Moon Necklace". What a nice name and reminder.
I tweeted about you... http://twitter.com/Shes_Wanderin/statuses/5600429901
I love Monica's/moonovermaize's jewelry: hard to choose!..Umm. how about the Mystery Labradorite as a current favorite! Ginny
Ooo! The row of heart necklace is divine!
(email in blogger profile)
Good luck everyone! =)
Oh my, so hard to choose!!!!! I really love that Children's Names necklace!! It would make such an amazing gift! (for me!!) :D I am such a fan of Monica's work!!!!!!!!!!!!! xo Cait
i love the Grey Moon Ring!
Beautiful giveaway the colors of the necklace are soooo pretty. I love the orchid earrings and think they would go nice with the giveaway.Thanks for the great giveaway.Helen
Oh my. SO hard to choose! I really like the Cranberry earrings. ;)
+5 Blog follower.
thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com
I'm LOVING the lagoon necklace!! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33966941
The hope and wish necklace is beautiful. Thanks for the chance into this giveaway.
I'm a huge fan of Monica's jewelry and it's so hard to choose a favorite piece, but I'll say her Ancient Forest Necklace! I really loved reading this lovely interview and am now following your blog! "You Are My Sunshine" always makes me smile!
:) Mollie
Wow, her shop is really beautiful! I love the Hazy Sky Necklace and the Petrified Wood & Turquoise necklace.
I love the Trio of Circles Necklace!
plus I am following your blog +5
The Climbing Ivy Earrings are my favorite!
Also, I am following your blog +5
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Tranquil Kyanite Necklace
heatherkowens (at) (yahoo.com)
+2 I tweeted-Check out this jewellery http://bit.ly/4A2a8u and comment to win a necklace.
Beautiful jewellery my favourite is http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32548822
Esty username Diamond77
I adore Gleaming Labradorite Earrings! Aren't they just lovely? :)
almost.angel at gmail dot com
I've been a follower of Monica's since she started, but have not been in the shop recently. What an astounding array of beauty. My favorite - the labradorite earrings!
What a great interview and so sweet of Monica to give away one of her lovley pieces! All her work is lovely-I really like the Vibrancy necklace. Love the color! Thanks for the chance to win!
-- jackie
I love the Mystery Labradorite necklace - beautiful!
jha628 [at] gmail
well-- it's tough to narrow down--but i love the deep smoky mystery labradorite necklace and the perfect peach-- both simply beautiful!!
so nice to read your story monica!!
You are right!! It is very hard to pick a favorite. I have it down to two, the Falling Leaves Necklace or the Dark Lagoon Necklace. I think the Falling Leaves wins.
I now follow your blog!
cspmom at gmail dot com
Everything in the shop is amazing! I like the Silver Cats Eye Necklace.
Thanks for the interview and cool giveaway!
You sure weren't kidding; it's awful hard to pick just one favorite! I think I'd have to say the Hazy Sky Necklace. All of her work is gorgeous though!
*I'm also a follower now*
ashley_c_014 at hotmail dot com
I like the Earth from afar turquoise necklace
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I like the Trio necklace.
Great interview and wonderful pieces! I especially love the Children's Name necklace since I'm a new mommy to a beautiful baby girl
I like Earth From After Turquoise Necklace.
Monica is such a lovely being. I love the story about how she came up with the name Moon Over Maize.
My favorite piece in her store is the Trio Necklace.
Am now a follower!
Love, love, love the Gleaming Labradorite Earrings!!
Lovely work! My favorite (after Her Majesty's Necklace) is the Secret Moonstone Necklace.
My favorite is this one,
So beautiful.
annalena at gmail.com
I follow your blog now.
annalena at gmail.com
You make beautiful things.
I love the Hope and Wish Necklace! Thanks for the chance to win.
following your blog 1
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following your blog 1
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following your blog 5
My favourite item is the Climbing Ivy Earrings
Link: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27371158
Thank you!
Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/5639467992
Thank you!
tweet entry #2
I'm a follower on Blogger/Google Friend as spamgirl. :) Thank you!
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I blogged your contest! http://www.cancontests.com/2009/11/contests-from-elsewhere-win-necklace_11.html
Thank you!
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I love the Queen Annes...love it!
blog entry #5
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blog entry #7
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I really enjoy reading the interview and Wow!! you live in such a beautiful place :D
I love you Days Gone By Necklace and Grey moon ring :)
I love the customized dream catcher necklace!
Monica is so lovely, just like her shop. I love the In Orbit ring.
I follow.
I tweeted.
Lovely necklace!
My favorite from Moon Over Maize are the Cranberry Cocktail Earrings - I love their simplistic beauty!
I follow this blog!
It was great to learn more about the artist who creates such beautiful pieces of jewelery. If I had to pick one as a favorite from Monica's shop, it would be the Leopardskin Jasper Necklace. Thanks for the chance to win.
**I'm following your blog.
**sissorwizard at gmail dot com
My absolute favourite item is the Hazy Ky Necklace at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31563916.
I just became a follower of your blog.
Earth From Afar is just amazing.
I can't believe how well the metal sets off the stone. Love it!
My fav item would definitely be this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30157280
The colour, and the design. I simiply love it.
tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/strawberrykiwi/status/5668939058
i follow your blog :)
I blogged about it her: http://frozenfruits.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/sunshine-studio-giveaway/
I love the Orchid Earrings~Beautiful!
Oh wow, I love the jewelery! It is hard to pick one... Darkest Night Brightest Moon Necklace, Amber Visions Necklace, Trio Necklace,
Ashen Sky Necklace, Glacier Green Necklace,Peruvian Opal and Petrified Wood Necklace
They're so beautiful!!
I'm following your blog.
x e l l i n x (at)hotmail(dot)com
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Deb K
I follow your Blog with Google
Deb K
I follow your Blog with Google
Deb K
I follow your Blog with Google
Deb K
I follow your Blog with Google
Deb K
I like the Trio of Circles Necklace.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
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Falling Leaves necklace is so me.
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ghainskom at yahoo dot com
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ghainskom at yahoo dot com
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ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I love the Glacier Green Necklace!
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blog follower 5
My favorite item is the Moonlit Moonstone Necklace. It is so lovely. Thank you.
New follower #1
New follower #2.
New follower #2.
New follower #3.
I love the Peruvian Opal and Petrified Wood Necklace
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
New follower #4. Thank you.
New Follower #5. Thank you.
Love the Amber Visions Necklace!
ocamcaro at gmail dot com
what a wonderful shop (and beautiful giveaway)!!
i posted about it here (http://wwwnew.splinder.com/myblog/post/563435/21699206/yes)
and i was already a follower of your blog.
and my favorite jewels in monica's shop are her majesty's necklace (that's why i hope to win!! :D) and the Pure Passion Necklace
i loooooooooooooooove Queen Anne's Necklace!
saladforbreakfast AT gmail DOT com
i love the Days Gone By Necklace
hockiemack at hotmail.com
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hockiemack at hotmail.com
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hockiemack at hotmail.com
Lovely shop-----I really like the Glacier Green Necklace.
The Row of Hearts necklace is lovely. I adore the dark crimson hue.
etsyname: littlemissbee
+5 I follow your blog!
i love the Glacier Green Necklace, it is beautiful!
tiffany tappe
i follow your blog!
I would love to win Susan
My favourite is the Centered Necklace, I love the colour of stone and the rustic look.
I hope I win!
i love all the jewellery, but particularly the days gone by necklace - it reminds me so much of the sea!
Wonderful interview! Monica is a very talent artist and I love her work! Thanks for mention my work :)
It is difficult to pick a favorite but I will say the Ashen Sky Necklace.
That is one stunning necklace that I would LOVE to win! It's tough to choose a fav because I adore Monica's work. So one of my favs is the Tranquil Kyanite necklace.. so organic and lovely.
I'm now following your blog.
I tweeted about the giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My fave is the lovely Peruvian Opal and Petrified Wood Necklace!
I follow your blog #1
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I follow your blog Emilyfette@gmail.com
I love the grey moon ring Emilyfette@gmail.com
I tweeted about this giveaway. I'm fettbot!
I love the Sweet Romance Necklace.
This is my fave! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33776066
Lovely stuff. Thanks for the giveaway!
kare at thehazelbloom dot com
I love the Moon Drop Moonstone Necklace, and the Mystery Labradorite Necklace, but my all time favorite is probably the amazing Soft and Subtle Necklace!!!! SO GORGEOUS!
I love all Monica jewellery but I think i'm in love with Climbing Ivy Earrings! And thank you for share your story Monica!:)
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