Reading has always been one of my most favorite pastimes. My escape. So, I'd like to designate a spot here on my blog for you to come and share your book recommendations. Any topic. Any genre. Any author. Any era!
Feel free to leave a comment (as many as you'd like, at any time) with your favorites.
Happy reading!
Lauren Willig - The Pink Carnation Series
Watership Down is a favorite favorite favorite, and Jane Eyre.
Also, for a really funny read, The Princess Bride - even funnier than the movie.
I'm reading through the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die. I'm at 165 so far. You can check it out at http://johnandsheena.co.uk/books/ if you don't want to buy the actual book. It is a great coffee table book though.
I recently read La Bete Humaine by Emile Zola and The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe. Excellent! Librarything has great blog widgets. (visit my blog and you can see all my recently read books/reviews on the right side)
I like the author Roald Dahl and he wrote books for both children and adults .
Ex: James and the Giant Peach , Matilda etc.
I'm a big fan of Tom Robbins.
Also, Jane Eyre is a classic...I imagine you may have read that though.
I do need to checkout bonfire of the vanities!
Happy reading! =)
Thanks for the great suggestions so far! Keep 'em coming =)
I just finished "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown. My first read by him and I couldn't put it down!
Gosh.. I could probably write a very long list but.. some faves are:
The World to Come- Dara Horn
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell- Susanna Clarke
House of Leaves- Mark Danielewski
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion
The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
Other authors I love:
Jonathan Safran Foer, Alice Munro, Joyce Carol Oates, and Paul Auster (sigh) and so many more.
All of Deanne Gist's books. She is an amazing author.
Cathy Marie Hake is another great author. I really love her books, Letter Perfect, Bittersweet, Fancy Pants, & Forevermore (A series).
Dispatches From the Edge by Anderson Cooper is absolutely amazing! I could never say enough good things about this book!
Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. Well, really anything by her.
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
A Student of Weather by Elizabeth Hay
The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Check out my blog www.justafewofemilysfavoritethings.blogspot.com. On the righthand side I have a list of all the books I've read in 2009. I just started An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde! Love your blog!
I am in love with "The Lace Reader". It is a moving story with lots of lore and beautiful images.
I alos love "Little Earthquakes" a story about becoming a mother and how that effects your life as a women. That should be required reading for anyone who is preganant.
The Shack...a must read!!
Normally I like reading historical fiction novels [The Constant Princess] or anything by Tolkien, but lately I've been reading End the Fed by Ron Paul.
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