Some amazing artists are lined up for the coming weeks that you're sure to enjoy reading about. Today, meet Nicole, the talented Australian behind Etsy shop Hot Toffee.
Nicole's work is "Inspired by all things sweet, Japanese art & design and strongly influenced by the beautiful beaches of Australia." Each piece she creates is a unique piece of art - art you can wear!
Read on to learn more about her, why the area she lives in is called 'the salad bowl', and just where the name hot toffee came from.
What inspires you?
Nature, the beach in the afternoon, colours, Japanese design, light…
Where do you call home? Are you from there originally?
We have lived in a small country town called Laidley since we bought a house 2 years ago. I was born in Sydney but grew up on the north east coast of New South Wales near gorgeous Byron Bay.
Name something unique to where you live.
This area has many names; one of them is ‘the salad bowl’ as there are so many farms. We are lucky to buy the freshest veggies straight from our local farmers.
Share an interesting fact about yourself.
My left eye is 2 colours; it’s green with a brown section that covers about 1/3 of it.
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be?

At the time I had a stall at the local market each Saturday and thought an online presence would compliment that nicely and keep me busy during the week.
How did you come up with your shop name? Any special significance?
A lot of the first fused glass pieces I made looked a lot like toffee and because I fire my glass up to 800 degrees (Celsius) ‘hot toffee’ seemed perfect.
Name your favorite thing about selling handmade.
To be honest, it’s the people I’ve met. The customers who have embraced me and the other creative souls I’ve met along the way both online and offline. I’m lucky to be part of the brisStyle etsy street team which is an amazing group of people. Also, being surrounded by the handmade community has made birthday and Christmas shopping a lot more fun!
Do you have a day job or sell on Etsy full-time?
For 3 years hot toffee was my full-time job. That included etsy, wholesale and selling at local design focused markets. Early this year I decided I needed to work out of my home based studio and feel like I was connected to the off-line world and I was lucky enough to pick up 2 days teaching English to International students in order to prepare them to join mainstream high schools. I now juggle hot toffee and teaching which is challenging but so rewarding on many different levels.
Wake up between 6am – 7am to the barking of our dog Pochi.
Enjoy a fresh coffee & (gluten free) toast
Check my email and read my favourite blogs.
Make a ‘to do’ list so that I can get through the day without too much procrastination.
Cut & fire glass.
Pack orders & take them to the post office. Our town is very small so it doesn’t take long to finish my chores which means there is always time to have a peek in the opp shops*.
Then it’s back home for lunch and an afternoon of firing glass, printing and cutting swing tags and replying to emails. If new items need to be photographed for my etsy shop I do that around 3 pm. I try to switch the computer off and finish ticking things off my ‘to do’ list by 6 pm.
The evening is spent cooking, talking, eating, watching TV or listening to music, flicking through my favourite magazines and books for inspiration.
*opp shops = opportunity shops or thrift stores
Share with us a favorite Etsy purchase or shop.
I’m wearing my favourite etsy purchase in the photo. I bought them from windowsill.
List a few of your most favorite pastimes.
Drinking & eating with my partner; Ryo, going to the movies by myself, opp shopping with my Mum, visiting garage sales and markets on the weekend, walking on the beach with my Dad and I LOVE painting (it's so therapeutic!)

I always seem to have a few books on my bedside table, at present they are:
Lessons of a Lipstick Queen by Poppy King, Richard Branson – the autobiography, Geisha by Liza Dalby
What is your most prized possession?
A collection of paper boats made with my grandfather from all his old (losing) horse betting tickets. I have a basket of these in my wooden chest which holds all my sentimental belongings.
What are three of your favorite foods?
I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease 2 years ago which means I can’t eat anything containing Gluten which is quite a lot! With the support of Ryo and a lot of experimenting we have discovered some new favourites:
Thai style chicken balls, gourmet crepes & Chicken & pumpkin curry (with pappadams of course!)

I have always wanted to learn graphic design
What are you listening to right now?
my local radio station
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why.
Hamilton in Scotland as this is where my grandfather was born. He migrated to Australia when he was 7 years old. There is a big part of me that really needs to see where he came from.
Nicole, thanks for stopping by and sharing with us!
To keep up with Nicole and see more of her creations, visit her website and blog.

One lucky winner will get to choose any pair of studs from Nicole's shop!
To enter, leave a comment on this post with your contact info - name and email address or Etsy username.
Good luck!
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway: 2 additional entries
Follow my blog and/or Nicole's blog: 5 additional entries
Blog about this interview/contest: 7 additional entries
Purchase from Hot Toffee: 10 additional entries
(Please include this info, if applicable, with your comment for additional entries. You do not need to leave separate comments for additional entries. Important: Don't forget to include your name and contact info!)
Contest ends Sunday, October 18th at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen by traditional drawing and will be announced Monday, October 19th.
Hi, I'm Jacky and I'd love to win! =)
thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com
+2 I tweeted! http://twitter.com/petuniasays/status/4809941112
+5 I'm a blog follower!
I'm a blog follower, and I love these little studs!
Woooow...thanks for a chance,
I forgot to say I am a follower. +5
Hi! I'm Karen and I love hand made jewelery!
Pretty giveaway my fingers are crossed. I love the drop flower earrings they are gorgeous.Thanks for the giveaway.Marian
What a cute giveaway!
My etsy username is lovecharles.
and my e-mail is lilygreig at gmail dot com
my fingers are crossed (can i participate even if i'm italian?)
ps. just in case.. + 5 because i'm a blog follower :D
my email is fedechica85@hotmail.com
Great giveaway! Michelle Underwood
follow your blog-1
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adorable. amy pugmire: amypugmire@live.com
follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
tweet 1. amypugmire@live.com
tweet 2. amypugmire@live.com
wow..thanks for this chance to win a lovely giveaway.have my fingers crossed. :)
p.s i also follow your blog so +5 more entries for me please
this is my first entry for +5 entry for the blog:)
second entry for +5 entry for the blog:)
third entry for +5 entry for following the blog:)
fourth entry for +5 entry for following the blog:)
fifth entry for +5 entry for following the blog:)
I am now following Nicole's blog!
I am also sharing this interview on my facebook page!!!
I loved reading about her and her life in Australia!!! I really enjoyed Nicole's blog, as well. I wanted to hold the Koalas!!! She has a picture of one!!!!
I would love to win a pair of studs!!!
Thank you!!!
Such a lovely jewelry
egateris at gmail dot com
I follow her blog
egateris at gmail dot com
I follow her blog
egateris at gmail dot com
I follow her blog
egateris at gmail dot com
I follow her blog
egateris at gmail dot com
I follow her blog
egateris at gmail dot com
Oh yeah, my contact info!!!!!
I love those studs. Thanks for the chance to win.
clenna at aol dot com
I folliow
clenna at aol dot com
Wow! I totally need new studs. How timely!
hrfarley at gmail dot com
Amanda Starr
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Gorgeous earrings!
I am now a follower.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Chelsea P
cac331 at yahoo dot com
Gorgeous earrings, absolutely perfect for mommies like me with babies that loooove to grab anything that dangles!
I'm following both of your blogs, now.
-Ashley Stephens
ashleyslye at gmail dot com
Interesting interview...I like to read these and see how similar all creative people are, and just what inspires each one. THanks for hte chance for a pair of studs....I'm gonna love 'em!
Great interview. I love Nicole's work and it looks even better when you see it in person! I am now following your blog and I already follow Hot Toffee's blog.
Thanks for the chance!I'm your follower!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
thanks-I do love jewelery
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Hi I am a follower of Nicoles and now your blog and I would love to be entered. Thanks
Sorry, Miriam
Ave Taar
My tweet:
I like the pretty blue bouquet - fused glass earrings.
Thanks for the giveaway!
-Olga Avila
+5 cuz i follow your blog
I really like the double rounds white on turquoise fused glass earrings
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Beautiful earrings!! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Lisa Bradford
I'm a follower of your blog!!
Oh my goodness, I LOVE these earrings. I'd love to win. :)
I'm also following your blog!
The earrings are beautiful, thanks for the chance to win! :)
These are SO pretty! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.
I'm a follower2
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I'm a follower5
Oh, I love all of them! Such nice colors!
Lyndsay @ LouLouBell
I like the apple studs.
I love the blue lavender rounds - fused glass earrings!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I love earrings, and i love studs so yey!
katch05 at gmail dot com
CraftTeaLady AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks so much for the chance! They look lovely!
Love your work, very gorgeous.Couldnt pass up such a great giveaway. My etsy username is SanchiaParaiso
+2 tweeted http://twitter.com/sanchiamarshall/statuses/4909641530
+5 following your blog now
xx thanks
Hi and thank you for the giveaway!
dikatzen at yahoo dot fr
Love the studs!!
Anne Molino
anne molino at hotmail dot com
blog follower! # 1
blog follower! # 2
blog follower! # 3
blog follower! # 4
blog follower! # 5
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following Nicole's blog # 5
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blogged! # 6
blogged! # 7
Just wanted to let you know that I added your contest to doubleprizes.com and hopefully more people find your blog.
dpc0ntest at yahoo.com +7
I'm officially in love with the yellow and turquoise earrings! Beautiful shop.
**I follow the Sunshine blog**
Sweet giveaway, the earrings are lovely, i would love to win! :)
Thanks for the chance!
Nury77 at live dot ca
I'm in love with the cool water rounds - so pretty!
katieharrison13 at gmail dot com
These earrings are lovely! I'd be thrilled to win any of them!
Love the simple and romantic look of the studs!
Im a huge fan of Nicole and her beautiful designs. Lovely to find out a little more about the lovely Nicole. I really enjoyed the read. Love the sound track also, beautiful!
info@pegandkate.com.au, posted a blog at pegandkate.blogspot.com and following the blog.
Nicole is a gem. I follow Nicole's blog, have signed up to yours. I already have a nice little collection of Hot Toffee and have another custom order in the pipeline. Thanks for sharing the story. Lisa.
Great giveaway, I love jewelry.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
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ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
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Hi, my name is Lubica. I would like to enter this giveaway too.
I tweeted about (2 entries)
I follow your blog (5 entries)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
fabulous earrings!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
hockiemack at hotmail.com
follower 4
hockiemack at hotmail.com
follower 5
hockiemack at hotmail.com
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
+5 for being a follower!
following you already (5)
lovely earrings!!!
sandtneal at mfire dot com
Thank you! The earrings are pretty!
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Oops I'm so sorry. i din;t notice the closing date.. really sorry for posting here.
great photograph
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