Meet Amy of The Peach Tree. Her shop is filled with classic, gemstone jewelry. With her simplistic designs, she strives to "show off each stone's truly unique beauty."
Read on to learn a bit more about her, find out where her pieces get their creative names, and how her shop came about!
What inspires you?
For my jewelry, nature inspires me most. The detailed simplicity of each stone astounds me and I try to bring that to light in each piece that I create.
Where do you call home? Are you from there originally?
WI born and raised. I moved to New York City in 2001 and have called it my home ever since!
Name something unique to where you live.
Oh to put Brooklyn into one sentence! There's too many things to count. I live in a historic waterfront district which is known for being called the first "suburb" of Manhattan. I guess that's just chipping the iceberg but I'll leave it there!

I've never been out of the United States. And I desperately want to change that :)
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be?
What made you decide to open up shop?
I met an Etsy shop owner in an airport a few years back and listening to her talk about the community and handmade life, I couldn't resist!

Ah, I wish I had a better answer, but my boyfriend named it :) As well as every piece in my shop!
Name your favorite thing about selling handmade.
Quality control. I make EVERYTHING that gets sent out and I love knowing that these things that I've created are being worn all over the world!
Do you have a day job or sell on Etsy full-time?
1/2 and 1/2 I'd say. My boyfriend and I run our own pet sitting business :)

Wake. Etsy. Feed Cats. Tea. Etsy. Visit Cats. Etsy. Tea. Etsy. Sleep. And meals and recreation in there somewhere as well.
Share with us a favorite Etsy purchase or shop.
Ooo, that's difficult but it would have to be the number of cases that I've custom ordered from GetReadySetGO.
Here's the latest one!
List a few of your most favorite pastimes.
Walks along the Hudson, Row Boats in Central Park, anything outdoors really!
Read any good books lately?
Lots! I'm reading Suttree from Cormac McCarthy right now. Before that was Hemingway's short stories which I highly enjoyed.
What is your most prized possession?
My readiness for laughter :)
What are three of your favorite foods?
Cakes, Cookies, and Pie!
What would you like to learn to do?
Knit and/or Crochet.. I tried to teach myself.. I'm not a very good teacher!

WBGO Newark Jazz
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why.
Paris. I think every woman want to visit Paris once in their life, yes?
Anything else you'd like to share?
I'd love to share a few of my very favorite Etsy shops that I think everyone should RUN to and buy them out!
And SO many more but anyone can search my favorites for a more in depth look :)
Amy, thank you so much for stopping by to share with us. It was a pleasure getting to know you better.
To keep up with her and her work, follow her on twitter, become a fan on facebook, and visit her blog. Don't forget to give her shop a heart too -- she often has awesome sales!

Amy is so generously awarding the winner with the charming Northern Exposure Earrings pictured there to the right!
To enter, just leave a comment on this post with your favorite piece from Amy's shop. Don't forget to include your name and email address or Etsy username!
Good luck!
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway: 2 additional entries
Follow my blog and/or Amy's blog: 5 additional entries
Blog about this interview/contest: 7 additional entries
Purchase from The Peach Tree: 10 additional entries
(Please include this info, if applicable, with your comment for additional entries. You do not need to leave separate comments for additional entries. Important: Don't forget to include your name and contact info!)
Contest ends Sunday, December 20th at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen by traditional drawing and will be announced the following day.
What a lovely interview with a lovely lady! I just adore Amy. She is definitely a peach. And I've always wondered how her pieces got their wonderful names. :)
It's tough to narrow down a favorite so I hope you'll allow two: Sonata necklace & Cortes necklace. SO gorgeous (just like everything in her shop!)
I follow both yours and Amy's blogs.
Amy's going to laugh when she reads this, because I am what could be called a thepeachtree groupie.
My favorite piece is something that's (sad fists) not there anymore...
Celestial - Bracelet
Runner up is...
Falling Star - Bracelet
- I'm following both of your blogs.
- I bought a pair of earrings from Amy this weekend, does that count?
- Twittered! (@Ooooh_Shiny)
I like the gala bracelet a lot -
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29375835 .
It would be great in necklace form too .
I am follower of this blog - the Sunshine Studio and The Peach Tree - Amy's blog .
I posted about your giveaway here on my blog -
i love the continuum earrings!
The Blink the Brightest necklace is definately my favorite!
I follow your blog :)
I love those earrings but I also like the Marrakech - Necklace.
+5 I follow your and Amy's blog.
clenna at aol dot com
I love the Orchid necklace:
I also am following your blog, and Amy's blog. :)
I like the Glacon - Necklace.. Chain.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower (Awami)
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I love the Novae Earrings!
I love the orchid necklace
very nice interview and awesome pieces...everything!!
I love the sencha pearl cluster earrings... so pretty!
My favorite is the Centurion Bracelet!
+5 I follow your blog!
Thank you for the blog :)
Beautiful work! My favorite is the Bolero-Necklace — I love the lava beads!
I subscribe to both blogs and just bought a gorgeous pair of earrings. :)
I love Amy's jewelry and it was so fun to learn more about her! :)
One of my favorites in her shop is the Boji earrings....that rough lava is gorgeous!
I love the Iris Necklace Pendant, it's gorgeous!
I am also a blog follower.
crap, I shouldn't have gone on this site, so many cute things and great pictures! I really like the Hazel Earrings. ambrerose@aol.com
I could call myself as a peach tree groupie too !!! Amy is so talented and such a sweet person. I really enjoyed reading this interview. thnak you so much for sharing.
My favorite flower is the iris so I'm in love with the iris pendant.
I love the pure and simple elegance of the Peach Tree's jewelry. From beginning to end, all her items in her Etsy Store are stunning! I love this one in particular:
I'm following your blog! :) (entry 1)
I'm following your blog! :) (entry 2)
I'm following your blog! :) (entry 3)
I'm following your blog! :) (entry 4)
I'm following your blog! :) (entry 5)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 1) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 2) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 3) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 4) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 5) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 6) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I posted about this awesome giveaway in my new blog. (entry 7) Here's the link:
Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to win this! :)
I really like this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36384348
I love the From Russia With Love necklace (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=28966678) the colours are beautiful!
vaverine at yahoo dot com
I love everything in Peach Tree's shop, but moonstone is a fave of mine so I'd say the Hielo - Earrings
I am now following your blog and Amy's too!
Gemalicious Beads on Etsy
The Grenadine necklace is my favorite, although it was very hard to choose from all the beautiful pieces.
ms.johnsonmahs at gmail dot com
Tocantin's earrings are AWESOME!!!
They are so earthy and would look great with jeans.
I follow privately.
I like the sorum necklace
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
These earrings are one of many that i loved on the site! Stardate - Earrings
tazimd @ gmail . com
I love
Halley - Earrings
cute shop !!
it's nice to read about you Amy .....
I twitted and already follow your blog !!
i like the sky blue sky earrings
I love the Baltic bracelet. Everything is beautiful.
The "Droplet - Earrings . Sterling Silver . Gemstone" are so elegant. :)
-- Birgit
Everything in that shop is so sophisticated! I like the Norah - Necklace Chain Freshwater Pearl. The color of those pearls is mesmerizing.
squareby at gmail dot com
I love the Tea Earrings. Actually I love all the items in this shop!
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.2
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. 3
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. 4
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. 5
cspmom at gmail dot com
I love the bordeaux earrings... and the halley earrings. Ack! Can't decide which is my favourite pair!
kmp8 at sfu dot ca
Love the Elektra - Earrings
kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com
I love Chameleon - Necklace.. Longer. Lovely jewelry! thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
tweeted 2nd entry
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow both of blogs 1
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow both of blogs 2
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow both of blogs 3
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow both of blogs 4
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow both of blogs 5
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
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