Meet Betsy of O Bella Naturals -- a lovely, little shop filled with natural handmade soaps, earthwear, knits, and more! I simply love the look and feel of Betsy's shop and designs, and I'm sure you will too.
Betsy is one sweet gal, with a beautiful family. Her mission is to create affordable products that are made from natural materials and ingredients, which are free of chemicals, dyes and additives.
Read on as she takes us on a journey into the world of O Bella, and inspires us along the way.
What inspires you?
Music, nature, mountains, textures, organic colors
Where do you call home? Are you from there originally?
The town I currently call home is West Palm, Florida. It's about 20 minutes away from the small beach town I grew up in, Jupiter. Wherever my family is, that's home for me. My husband and I are living in a little cottage to save to make a cross-country move to Montana, we are aiming for 2010 to be our moving year! We will be leaving a lot of family here, but hopefully some will come too!

My favorite local spot around is Jonathan Dickinson State Park. It was named after a Quaker merchant who landed here in 1696, has the historic home of “Trapper Nelson” still intact, and was a top secret radar training school during World War II. It's my family's favorite place to get together, take walks and bike rides, have Thanksgiving, and it's also where my husband and I got married in 2007.
Share an interesting fact about yourself.
I studied music in college, I'm one year away from a degree in music education. Music is my first love, it is where I am most at home with myself. I'm classically trained on flute, but I really like to play piano to rock music and violin to bluegrass.
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be?
My mom has always told me I'm a passionate person, and it comes out in everything I do, for better or worse! It can be a burden and a blessing but I wouldn't choose it any other way. It means I dive into something I love [a movie, a book, a time period, a song] to the point of obsession! But it also means I love deeply, like my family, friends, music and nature.

When I found out I was pregnant with my first baby in 2008, I started to pay close attention [read: obsess] to what I put on my skin, finding out what toys were made of, what was in my food. I started to wonder why I was told to eat good and exercise while I was pregnant, but it was okay to bathe my baby with soap with additives and let her chew toys made of plastic made with toxins. It really started in April of 2009, my husband, baby girl Isabella, mom and dad took a trip to Idaho to visit my brother and sister-in-law. This trip was really the inspiration behind my whole shop. I had just learned to knit and knitted my baby a pair of hand warmers and had wonderful feedback! It was so rewarding making something useful and people actually asking about it! That was the start of [knits]. While there we made some necklaces from the stones we collected at the lake.. that was the start of [earthwear]. We spent a few hours searching for stones, and my mom also took a trip back to Idaho and must have collected 10 pounds of stones for me [thanks mom!] The summer of 2009 I finally started making soap for myself after wanting to for years. I was spending a fortune on natural soap for me and my little family, and I experimented and came up with a great, functional, natural recipe! Since then it has sort of blossomed from there. Natural function is really at the heart of O Bella.

It is named after my lovely daughter, Isabella. Her 1 year old cousin actually came up with the name. When she was born all her cousin would say was “Oh, Bella,” in such a sweet voice. It sounded like a perfect name. I chuckle every time I catch my self saying it, especially when she has created a big mess on the floor!
Name your favorite thing about selling handmade.
My favorite thing about selling [and buying!] handmade is the connection to people that you can't get buying in a commercial store. There is something very traditional, settling, and grounding about making things handmade and receiving handmade. You know the time went into prepare whatever it is, and time is the most special gift anyone can ever give.
Do you have a day job or sell on Etsy full-time?
My full time job right now is raising and guiding my daughter – it is such a special job! Etsy is like a part-time job with a bonus of potentially becoming a full-time job. I would love for it to be able to be a full-time job while I am in my season of motherhood.
Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like.
I wake up and say goodbye to my ever faithful, hardworking husband in the early hours. My baby girl and I [who is 1 years old today!] wake up, have our toast and coffee [minus the coffee for her] and enjoy the morning while catching up with online stuff like convos, any orders that may have sold, blogs or other things. We play and get ready for the day. I may make soap and other batches of lotions if need be, or create some necklaces. I may head out to do errands, mail packages, get new supplies, visit with some family, go to the park, visit some local shops.. Husband usually comes home in the afternoon and we do dinner and more playtime. We may watch a movie, or I might get to sewing or knitting once the little one has fallen asleep while he records music or some computer stuff. I find time to read late, it's my favorite time to settle down and read.

I currently have two ultimate favorite shops on etsy, although there are so many I have found and loved! The first is Gaia Conceptions – she makes eco-chic clothes for the urban nomad. I am in love with her materials and designs, I own one of her dresses and wear it more than I will admit to! The second is Violet Bella, whose store I found on your blog! I love all of her photos, jewelry designs, and clothes, they are so unique and capture a wonderful essence!

Anything that involves things with naturalness - the way things used to be made. We started our own organic garden and I like to find fresh produce and cook with it. I'm really interested in alternative building materials, especially with cob, and my husband and I are in the beginning planning stages of a future cob house. Cob is a building material made from earth, clay and straw, it used to be used in houses in Wales. You mix it with your feet and lay it with your hands. Talk about the ultimate natural handmade project! Some houses still stand today and are over 500 years old. My great-grandfather grew up in one in Ireland, so it will be an amazing and traditional project!
I mostly love to spend time in the mountains in the west - which is pretty far from where I am. I try to get out as often as I can to camp, hike, see small towns, pick flowers, collect rocks, splash around in rivers. While I'm not out camping in the west, I'll visit the beach here or get my favorite lunch [subs and cupcakes] and eat them at the park. I'm also really getting into sewing, it's quickly becoming a favorite hobby!
I love to play music gigs, teach and learn new styles of music. My husband plays guitar and bass guitar and we love to sing and play a good Pink Floyd song together while our little one plays at our feet and dances along.
Read any good books lately?
I have read a few good books lately:
The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson
End the Fed by Ron Paul
The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
What is your most prized possession?
After my family of course, which I can't really count because I don't possess them :) But they keep me going, day in and day out, I could own nothing and still have the world with them.
I really cherish the handmade bench my mom passed to me recently. My parents bought it in the 70's, I used to play on it as a baby and now my daughter plays on it. Pretty special to me.

Anything homemade! Some favorites I've made lately are:
homemade guacamole with avocados my husband brought home
homemade honey butter
creamy chicken and wild rice soup
What would you like to learn to do?
I'm learning to sew right now, it's something I've been wanting to learn how to do for a long time, so I guess I would like to learn how to get better at sewing :)
What are you listening to right now?
Hello Hurricane album by Switchfoot
Animals album by Pink Floyd
Soundtrack to Ink
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why.
It's always been my dream to visit the old castles in Ireland and England. I have always been preoccupied.... (obsessed?) with the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance eras. I would also love to visit the birthplace or home where my favorite composers lived in Europe.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you to Lory who so kindly took interest in my shop and thanks for doing this interview with me, and thanks for taking the time to read a little about the woman and story behind O Bella. Don't hesitate to contact me with questions or just to chat, I'm always up for meeting new people!
Betsy, thank you so much for stopping by to share with us. It was a pleasure getting to know you better. And wishing a very happy birthday to little Bella today!
Keep up with Betsy and her growing shop by visiting her flickr, becoming a facebook fan, following her at her blog and on twitter, and adding O Bella Naturals to your favorites!

Betsy has so generously put together a special sample set for this contest! It includes: A Set of 4 Sample Soaps - Mocha Cream, Brown Sugar, Honeybee, and Lemongrass, a sample Brown Sugar Rustic Butter, and a Natural Vanilla Lip Butter, all wrapped up in cotton cloth! Wow!
To enter, just tell us what your favorite scent is! Maybe you love the smell of freshly baked bread or sugar cookies? Or perhaps lavender, crisp spring air, or the smell after it rains? Don't forget to include your name and email address or Etsy username so we can contact you!
Please read carefully, as the rules have changed!
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway
Follow my blog and/or Betsy's blog
Blog about this interview/contest
Purchase from O Bella Naturals
Just leave a comment with your answer. Then, an additional comment if you are applicable for extra entries.
For example: If you want to enter and you also tweet the giveaway and follow my blog; leave your original comment + another that you tweeted + another that you are a follower = a total of 3 comments. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Contest ends Sunday, January 3rd at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced the following day.
Good luck!
Mocha Cream, please!! All of this looks sooo lovely. ;)
+1 I'm a blog follower!
thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com
my scent of choice would have to be honeybee. that just sounds scrumptious!
-renea hanna
i follow both your blog and o bella's blog.
yay for another entry!
-renea hanna
i tweeted about the giveaway.
yay for entry #3!
-renea hanna
My favorite scent ever is fresh honeysuckle! :)
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog!
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
My favorite scent of all is peppermint.
I'm following your blog!
Love the scent of lemongrass-such a clean,fresh scent!
Elaine R
First of all...Lory, you picked an amazing girl to interview! And Betsy, thank you so much for the kind words! I am honored that you think of my shop as one of your top favorites, wow!
as far as the scents listed, Lemongrass sounds so wonderful!
my all time fav scents are lavender, sandalwood and patchouli...
i follow both of your blogs :)
posting a link on facebook...sorry, i dont tweet!
Lemongrass and Green Tea sounds lovely!
I follow your blog too. :)
My favorite scent is vanilla. when I open the yogurt sniffed it for so long before eating it.
I tweet:
I follow your blog and O Bella Naturals.
I love handmade b&b products!! My favorite scent used to be vanilla, however I was introduced to Pomegranate during the holidays and now it's my new favorite scent!!
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
What a lovely giveaway, thanks for the opportunity! I think the mocha cream sounds very yummy!
I'm following your blog.
I tweeted!
My favorite scent is peach. I love it anytime of the year and never tire of its smell or find it overpowering.
I have subscribed to your blog.
I have blogged about this giveaway here:
I am a Facebook fan and two my favorite scents are baby powder and cinnamon. Both scents evoke wonderful memories of days gone by.
Favourite scent would have to be peppermint, that really strong stuff that lmost makes your eyes water, its fresh and crisp!
Anna- perfectbluemoon@gmail[dot]com
These sound great!! My favorite scent is fresh cut grass... it always reminds me of "home".
mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com
Following with google friend connect!
mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com
My favorite scents are berry and citrus so I would love the lemongrass!
strasfamily at cox dot net
lilac is my favorite scent
My favourite scent is fresh coffee beans, though I don't even like coffee! :) Also I love coconut, papaya and hmm.. shea!
My favorite scent is the smell of the ocean!
kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com
My favorite smell is mountain laurel flower. It's so sweet and intoxicating and ephemeral; it reminds me of all my favorite spring days, all in one go. I never see it as an option anywhere. I grieve.
My favorite smell is my Mom's lilac bushes. She lives on top of a hill and when the wind blows her whole house smells wonderful.
I follow Betsy's blog
I tweeted, http://twitter.com/laprochaine/status/7161605623
And I follow your blog! Took me a bit, blogger's bein' slow, but I follow!
If I read that correctly, you'd like to know our favorite scents in general--not the ones from her shop. Ooh she does have some wonderful things in her shop :)
I personally love the smell of bergamot and sandalwood.
Thanks for the chance!
Kelly @ TLE
thelostearring at yahoo dot com
I love the smell of apple and cinnamon,especially if its inside a pie, baking. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow through google friend. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
i love the smell of christmas trees!
i tweeted: http://twitter.com/slowclublover/status/7164524848
my favorite is vanilla!
I tweeted about your giveaway!!
I follow your blog!
I follow Betsy's blog!!
I am following this blog! :)
Honeybee sounds amazing!! I also like the smell of fresh-cut roses.
I love the smell of freshly ground coffee (although that might not make the best scented soap or bath product). The honeybee scent sounds great too.
I love the smell of lilacs, so I have a lilac bush in my landscaping by my deck.
My favorite scent ever is probably a Christmas-y scent of cinnamon and cloves....but of the soap I'm thinking I'd love the brown sugar!
jethalt at yahoo dot com
My favorite scent is the mixture of vanilla and cinnamon! Great giveaway!
I'm a follower of The Sunshine Studio!
My favorite is Lime, Blackberry or Lemon!
iloveyouhecried at gmail dot com
I follow your blog (I couldnt figure out how to follow betsy's!)
iloveyouhecried at gmail dot com
I love the Honeybee scent... it's so warm and cozy!
I love the scent of Sandalwood..it is so exotic and warm and sexy! Love it!!
rennieangie at gmail dot com
it's hard to pick one favorite smell...so many are tied up with memories and associations
i love the smell of my mom's pumpkin bread, and the sharp smell during a thunderstorm, and after the rain, and this milky vanilla lotion that i have hoarded b/c it's discontinued....
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
My favorite smell is the scent of sheets after they've just come out of the dryer, all clean and warm. They smell so fresh!
i now follow this blog
What a lovely giveaway my fingers are crossed. I love the smell of gingerbread,peppermint, and vanilla.
Thanks for the great giveaway.Marian
My favorite scent is fresh roasted coffee! Thanks so much for the fun giveaway!
I'm following your blog!
I'm following Betsy's blog, as well! Thanks!
so hard to choose - mocha cream thought i think!
megalomaniac411 at gmail dot com
I'd like to try Honeybee.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
aikychien at yahoo dot com
My favorite smell I think would have to be fresh coffee or lemon.
my favourite scent is lemon and rose, they are smell good!
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
blogged http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2009/12/betsys-giveaway.html
sherrygo at hotmail dot com
I like the smell of lemongrass and the mocha cream too :)
Mocha cream sounds wonderful, but I absolutely love pumpkin spice!
Sandie Russo
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog
Sandie Russo
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
I follow Betsy's blog.
Sandie Russo
zaftig2k at yahoo dot com
My favourite scent is fresh mint...it's full of memories
Contact: a.spigno@hotmail.it
I follow your blog!
I follow Betsy's blog
I love the scent of white musk!
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
I follow Betsy's blog.
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
So I have a few fav scents. Cotton candy, squishy babies, wood burning fire, and suntan lotion. Crazy things yes I know, but I love them. ambrerose.etsy.com
I love myrrh and frankincense burned together as incense. I don't get to do it often, though, because I have roommates. :)
kmp8 at sfu dot ca
My favorite scents are mint, lavender and fresh air.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I like the sound of the Mocha Cream Natural Soap - sweet, sugary. creamy, yum!
I follow The Sunshine Studio Blog
I follow Betsy's Blog
The Lemongrass sounds wonderful...but my favorite scent is always Rain.
Sandalwood !
the_eternal_voyageur at rediffmail dot com
Hi :)
Firstly, I stumbled across this blog from another link and I find it very inspiring to see another mum so interested in keeping it natural for the family. In particular your natural soaps are wonderful; I too wondered why it was bad to not exercise during pregnancy but fine to rub mineral oil all over a newborn. Yuck!
As for a favourite scent, I definately have mine and perhaps someone with a nose like yours could actually reproduce something similar. I adore the scent of small kittens. Weird huh? You know that musky, earthy, 'new' scent that small animals have? I find that so wonderfully comforting, like snuggling up to a little cat as a child.
I have no idea if that can be reproduced, but I know I would love it. It's one of those scents that I think everyone recalls from childhood.
Good luck with your business, I will be keeping an eye on your store.
I love the smell of a summer's storm coming through- that clean, electric smell in the air! khaski78 at hotmail dot com
I love the smell of sun-warmed watermelon.
Laura C
Laura C
Ooh the scent of coffee and chocolate would be awesome, mixed with some berries, strawberry choco, anyone? ;p
yuri.kristi at gmail dotcom
My favorite scent is lilac. I love when the bushes are blooming!
I follow your blog!
I follow betsys blog!
I love the smell of a nice herbal or raspberry tea. Mmm... just wakes me up!
My absolute favorite scent ever is the linen closet where I work. Those linens just don't smell nice to me until I have over a hundred of them put up in the closet. When I walk back in there a few hours later or the next day it's just amazing! (I even have an obsession with glade linen candles now because of it! hehe)
ashley_c_014 at hotmail dot com
I am a blog follower.
ashley_c_014 at hotmail dot com
I would love to win the soap samples.
My favorite scent is anything that is vanilla
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Although i love rose my favorite scents are usually fruity like Blueberry or Cherry:)
My fave scent is that of cocoa, chocolate!! I go mad!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
I love the scent of coffee. It is just ulpifting I love it
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
I love manteka de karité and coca scent!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
I follow you!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
I have always loved the smell of cinnamon...yummy
my favourite scent is mz boyfriends perfumes.
My favorite scent is Vanilla :) I LOVE handmade soaps and products. I am always buying on Etsy, so I will add her to my favorites, thanks!
Following your blog!
following Betsy's blog :)
i loved her story..
i like the smell of vanilla
Fresh baked bread is right up there, but so is fresh cookies - esp mocha choc chip. Some coffees smell divine, and also that evergreen smell makes you think of the holidays. And don't forget that salty tang of summer. All good things!
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
My fav scent is clean laundry :) looove that smell!
origamibysisi at gmail dot com
I'm following your blog, Following as Sihui.
Blogged about the giveaway at: http://www.hmgiveaways.com/2009/12/soap-sample-package-from-o-bella.html
Honeybee sounds wonderful. My favorite scent is apple.
The Happy Wife
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
I love vanilla or Lavender
copperllama at yahoo dot com
following blog
copperllama at yahoo dot com
copperllama at yahoo dot com
My favorite scent is lavender.
i follow your blog
OH I just love this shop! The natural feel and look of her items are wonderful. The blackberry and sage sounds so yummy for my skin!
April www.artfulgoodies.etsy.com
I follow your blog :) and love it!
My favorite scent is homemade bread!
Sarah (untenuredteacher)
untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com
My favorite scent is cinnamon and cloves
jblanton41-etsy id
following blog
I like citrus-lemons,& oranges
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I like a combo of earthy, spicy ans sweet scents
Ex" sandalwood, vanilla, and cinnamon. fi
tweetie tweet!
misaacmom at gmail dot com
I would love to try Mocha Cream, I love natural soaps. I may come back and purchase these soaps!!!
I love the scent of chocolate. Thanks!
I follow your blog.
I follow Betsy's blog.
I adore the smell of sweet peas!
daisymay_chantele at hotmail.com
My favorite scent is vanilla! :)
Nury77 at live dot ca
I tweeted:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I follow your blog.
Nury77 at live dot ca
My favorite scent is the smell of the ocean.
I love the scent of vanilla.
My favorite scent is the smell of freshly cut. It's so crisp and clean.
I am now following your blog!
I am now following Betsy's blog, O Bella Naturals.
honeybee scent
My favorite scent is Honeysuckle so Honeybee is probably close to this.
Thanks for the chance to win this!
brc668 (at) gmail (dot) com
Lemongrass and Green Tea sounds great.
flyergal82 at yahoo dot com
My favorite scent is peppermint, I am a mint freak.
I follow your blog.
I follow betsy's blog.
I love the smell of Jasmine
I follow this blog
I follow Besty's blog
My fav scent is cinnamon! Mix it up any othe scent and it's usually heavenly.....
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Hi, my favourite scent is vanilla. My email is teresitajeje(at)hotmail(dot)com
My favourite scent is coffee!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ContestAndCo/status/7308316025
my favorite smells are cut grass and lemongrass.
h mcnaron at g mail dot com
i'm following you on twitter @creep4ward
I tweeted this giveaway just a moment ago: http://twitter.com/Katjamarian
I love the smell of hot apple cider! Thank you!
Apple Cinnamon is my favorite scent.
i like the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the morning :)
the smell of sweet basil is awesome too 8D
I love the fresh smell of being high up on the mountains.. no pollution, just nature and thin oxygen-less air. :)
I blogged about your giveaway!
I've been really into lavender lately.
sniperjacks at yahoo.com
hmmm.... my favourite scent... It depends on my mood and the day - I can be in a Lavender mood one day, then sandlewood the next... Rose water, Lilac and cherryblossom are always good though
My favorite scent is almond!
I have so many favorite scents but really love early spring in the morning, when the flowers are blooming & the garden smells delicious.
Thanks for hosting.
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow your blog. :-)
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow Betsy's blog. :-)
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the smell of Vanilla so much. Also love the smell of lavender oil which soothes aching muscles.
I follow your blog.
I follow Betsy's Blog.
My favorite scent of all tiome has My favorite scent of all time has got to be fresh vanilla.
I am following your blog through Blogger.
My favourite scent so far would have to be Rosemary Mint....ahhh, so fresh!
Your soap and products look lovely!
my fav scent is scent of linden blossom. And cinnamon too.:-) thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
blog follower
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
i tweeted about contest
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
i follow your blog .
i like the scent of all natural lilac , rose , and floral scents . myrrh and frankincense is also nice .
lemon grass is a scent i like too .
I love the scent of lemon verbena...so fresh & clean!
My favorite scent is red macintosh apples. There's nothing like that clean crispy fruity smell!
I follow both yours and Betsy's blog. :)
I love the smell of Lilacs. It's a special scent, too, because it reminds me of my grandmother, who also loved it. It just takes me someplace no other scent does!
etsy name: hybroanglid
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I follow via Google Connect.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I follow Betsy's blog via Google Connect!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
My favorite scent is pineapple - it's sweet and lively. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
I'm a Google Connect follower for your blog. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com
My favorite scent right now is probably the scent of violet candies!
I love the smell of lemon!!
I follow your blog :)
I love smell of peppermint! It helps with my dry skin, smells delicious with hot chocolate, and helps calm me for sleep.
Etsy: strawberriannacake
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