Meet Lyndsay, the busy mom behind the beautiful (and not to mention affordable) shop, LouLouBell.
Lyndsay sews up some of the cutest zipper pouches in unique, colorful fabrics. She works at an Ad Agency by day, but at night you can find her in her home studio creating new pieces.
Lyndsay reveals a bit about herself below. Discover where the name LouLouBell came from, check out her new line, and enter to win something fabulous.
What inspires you?
What doesn’t inspire me? I would pretty much call myself a craft addict and I seriously can lay in bed awake at night thinking about fabric and lace and my sewing machine – I know, I’m a complete geek! I make a weekly trip to my local craft store and I could walk around there for hours just feeling all the different textures and taking in the colors! I also love anything outdoors, so you’ll see a lot of the fabrics I use with flowers or leaves or trees…..
Where do you call home? Are you from there originally?
I am currently residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in a little Cape Cod surrounded by forest, but only 5 minutes from Crystal Crescent beach. My husband and I moved here together (our first home). I am originally from Cape Breton Island (also a large rock of forest, surrounded by ocean).

Halifax is famous for the Alexander Keith’s Brewery, which was founded in 1820, it is one of the oldest breweries in all of North America, and the agency I work for is actually located in the Keith’s Brewery building, almost 200 years old, on the waterfront of downtown Halifax. And on Saturday’s the historical building is used for our local Farmer’s Market, where you can find everything from fresh flowers, to organic food, artwork and everything handmade! I love that I get to work in a place with such history and art.
Share an interesting fact about yourself.
I can say the alphabet backwards!
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be?

A lady I was working with mentioned that she had a friend selling things on Etsy, and at the time I was looking to really dive into my hobby (which was painting), I had been painting and my little apartment was quickly filling up with artwork, so I decided to try and sell them on Etsy, and I was shocked when people actually started buying my creations! ( The trouble is that I never seem to stick with anything terribly long, and my new found love became sewing, so that was when LouLouBell was born. (And of course now, although I love LouLouBell, I started working on another line that has a completely different feel, so I opened up yet another space for this at – I’m having a lot of fun with this one right now, each little bag is like a mini-palette, I’m hoping it will have as much success as I’ve been blessed with at LouLouBell)
How did you come up with the name LouLouBell? Any special significance?
It was easy finding a name for my shop. I grew up watching my mom embroider and sew. I remember her lugging her heavy machine onto the kitchen table in the evenings. LouLouBell was her nickname for me when I was a girl, so it seemed fitting to use this name for my sewing shop!

I love that by selling handmade, I am selling my creation, something that I fabricated, from start to finish, I still get a quiet thrill every time I see a new sale in my shop, it’s a nice feeling when someone out there can appreciate that human hands made something useful, something they think is pretty enough to call their own. I love knowing that handmade items are truly one of a kind. In turn I also love buying handmade for all these same reasons. And I love knowing that I can support other mom-preneurs!
Do you have a day job or sell on Etsy full-time?
It’s my dream to sell on Etsy full-time someday, I’m working at that! But until then, I am the Executive Assistant to the Partners of a very busy advertising agency. I manage their administrative business and the office management. It’s really kind of a hectic day, and I’m surrounded all day by creative types. Although I love my job, it’s a lot of paper pushing, so it’s nice at the end of the day when I come home to have some time in my own creative outlet. Right now I’m on month 3 of my maternity leave with my first baby boy, but will be going back to work come next summer. Until then, it’s me and my sewing machine between Taylor’s naptimes.

Well, it starts around 6 or 7 am, whenever my little one wakes up to eat. Then he goes back to sleep for a bit. I make some tea and toast and catch up on emails and read my favorite blogs (Sunshine Studio being one of them!). By the time I’m finished, the baby is up again! He eats and we go up to get cleaned up and dressed, then to the studio for a couple hours to package any orders and think up new creations, cut fabric patterns out for my next sewing session. Then it’s downstairs for baby’s bottle again (I know, it’s like everything I do is between nap time and bottle time!) Then I do some tidying up and prepare some supper, in the evening I browse around the internet for my next great fabric find or pretty sewing notions, then onto my blog ( to write about it! Spend some time with my hubby in the evening and probably talk to him more about crafting than he cares to hear! But he’s a sweetheart and humors me! Then I get to be a little more productive during the wee hours of the night when Taylor is sleeping. He keeps me on my toes, so getting in sewing time can be a challenge!

I recently bought this darling vintage, miniature sewing machine from 2BlackCatsVintage and it’s spurred a new collection for me of miniature sewing machines, I have three now and I just love them sitting on the window sill in my kitchen!
List a few of your most favorite pastimes.
Rocking my 3 month old in my rocking chair.
Drinking tea with my husband in the evening.
Browsing my local fabric store.
Window shopping with my sister.
Sitting on a hot patio with a cold drink.
Read any good books lately?
Have any of you heard of a little book series called Twilight? Ha! I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of New Moon the movie!
What is your most prized possession?
My MacBook – my portable connection to the rest of this wonderful, crafty world!
What are three of your favorite foods?
Pizza with feta cheese.
Pineapple Chicken Stir Fry
Ice Cream – any flavor will do really!

I would like buy and learn to use a Print Gocco. I’ve been eyeing one for about a year now but haven’t purchased one. I would love to get my hands on one and give it a try, think of all the neat little things you could make!
What are you listening to right now?
Dave Matthews Band – Big Whiskey and the Groo Grux King, I am seriously loving every song on this album!
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why.
This is going to sound terribly corny, it’s no place exotic. It is the island of Newfoundland, literally, I could take a ferry and be there in less than 6 hours. I was born there and my parents moved over to Cape Breton when I was 6 weeks old. I’ve never returned and every year I say ‘this is the year – I’m going to Newfoundland’, and it’s 28 years later, I still haven’t made it there! Someday.
Lyndsay, thank you so very much for sharing with us! It was a pleasure getting to know you better. ♥
I hope that you have enjoyed learning about Lyndsay. You can also keep up with her by following her on twitter and her blog.
Psst! Lyndsay is also hosting a great giveaway over at her blog, so don't miss it!
Time for a Giveaway!

A lucky reader will get to choose any one item from Lyndsay's shop! Sweet!!
To enter, please visit LouLouBell and/or Fussed, then come back and leave a comment with your favorite item from either shop. Please be sure to include your name and email address or Etsy username.
*Important Note: This contest is open to residents of the US or Canada only!
For extra entries you can:
Tweet this giveaway: 2 additional entries
Follow my blog and/or Lyndsay's blog: 5 additional entries
Blog about this interview/contest: 7 additional entries
Purchase from LouLouBell or Fussed: 10 additional entries
(Please include this info, if applicable, with your comment for additional entries. You do not need to leave separate comments for additional entries. Important: Don't forget to include your name and contact info!)
Contest ends Sunday, September 13th at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be chosen by traditional drawing and will be announced Monday, September 14th.
As an extra bonus, Lyndsay is offering my readers free shipping on orders of three or more items throughout the month of September! Just tell her you stopped by :)
Lovely! I especially like the All Cotton zipper pouch and the Vintage Brown Flowered pouch. =)
+5 I'm a blog follower!
thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com
If I must narrow it down... I love the Maori pleated, and any of the hairpins from fussed!
I'm a follower of both of your blogs
I love the All cotton zipper pouch!
I love the print!
abigail.lee {at}
My favorite item is the Cherry Blossom - Padded Zipper Pouch / Case
I tweeted
I love the Pretty Pink Vintage - Teeny Zipper cute!
i like the Marine Berries - Zipper Pouch!
Love the Kleo Sage - Padded Zipper Pouch / Case.
Follow your blog.
=D melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I love the Pretty Olive - Pleated Zipper Pouch. What a great giveaway - thanks for doing it & for showing up LouLou Bell's shop!
it was hard but I think i really like creamy meadows
love the Maori Spa - Pleated Zipper Pouch
My favorite item is the Cherry Blossom Zipper Pouch! Just GORGEOUS!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
I follow The Sunshine Studio!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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I follow The Sunshine Studio!
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I follow The Sunshine Studio!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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I follow The Sunshine Studio!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
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I twittered here:
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
Entry 1
I twittered here:
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
Entry 2
I really love the Pretty Olive - Pleated Zipper Pouch - so cute!
I tweeted (tjb415):
I tweeted (tjb415):
I am following your blog
Oh crap. I just realized that I've done multiple comments. Shoot. Okay, if you'd like to delete my other comment posts and just use this one I will add up all of my entries, 'kay?
Tweeted = 2
Following your blog = 5
Blogged: = 7
Total: 14 entries
I love them all! Seriously, I can not pick one favorite...though I am addicted to wristlets :)
Following your blog.
Now following Lindsay's blog
I like Blue Fanfare - Flat Bottom Pouch from LouLouBell and all of the doily accented pieces (esp. frame purses) from Fussed.
I love the Mille Fleur Zip Pouch!
I love the Olive Damask, denim pouch. So cute!
I follow you and am now following Lyndsay's blog.
The Shabby Vintage Rose - Zipper Pouch is one of my favourites. Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I love the Marine Berries - Zipper Pouch!
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
i like the Gray Rose Hairpins!
i love the delicate flower bobby pin on fussed.
What a delightful giveaway I would love to win.I adore the pink vintage pouch it's soooo cute.Marian
Great giveaway my fingers are crossed. My favourite item in the shop was the pink peacocks they are beautiful.Thanks for the giveaway.Helen
I like the Marine Berries - Zipper Pouch :)
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
i follow your blog!
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
This one is my fav!!
Following both blogs :)
I really love the Night and Day - Zipper Pouch / Coin Purse.
jlewis306 [at] gmail [dot] com
I like pretty with that doily sewed on. Great interview. Shelley C freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
They are all so adorable! My favorite is the Aqua Reef design! So bright and fun... I would use it as a make up bag if I won!
I'm a follower of your blog :)
I like the teeny pouches- particularly cherry blossom.
hrfarley at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Wild Begonia Pleated Zipper Pouch. Thank you!
The Pink Peacocks - Zipper Pouch / Case is my favorite from louloubell.
I love All Cotton - Zipper Pouch.
I follow your blog as erininkent
erin_melissa at juno dot com
Such beautiful pouches! My favorite is the Olive Damask - Denim Zipper Pouch in the bogger size. :)
My favorites are the Maori Spa zipper pouch from LouLouBell and the Mae pouch from Fussed. THanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
My favorite from LouLouBell is the Orchid Gold - Zipper Pouch / Coin Purse. It's perfect for Fall!
Myfavorite from Fussed is the HAIR PIN - Sweet candy pink chrysanthemum bobby. I also really like the doily pouches!
I'm following Lyndsay's blog.
I am already following your blog. :)
I like the Koi Scales in the louloubell shop.
With fall coming I prefer the cherry blossom.
It's SO tough to pick a favorite...this beautiful work is just so unique! I just love LouLouBell's Cherry Blossom - Padded Zipper Pouch / Case.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following Lyndsay's blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the generous giveaway! I esp. love the PINK PEACOCK zippered pouch!
My favorite item from louloubell is this blue floral pouch.
I would use it to hold my ipod.
Such cute fabric choices, it was hard to pick my favorite.
Thanks for the chance to win!
lilygreig at gmail dot com
I love the Cherry Blossom - Padded Zipper Pouch / Case.
tweet 1.
tweet 2.
follower 1.
follower 2.
follower 3.
follower 4.
follower 5.
I love the Orchid Gold - Zipper Pouch / Coin Purse and the Vintage Forest - Zipper Pouch...such cute stuff!
I love the Peacock Zipper Pouch - the one that doesn't actually have the birds on it.
I also follow both you and Lyndsay via Blogger! {I think that this is sufficient, rather than posting five entries?}
Great, very thorough feature, and you blog layout is really lovely, by the by!!!
- Lindsay
Oh what cute pouches! I think my favorites are the wristlets though! Especially the Brown Vintage Flowers. Thanks for the great giveaway.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com
My favourite "Fussed" item is:
LOUISE - Embroidered zippered clutch
I just became a follower of your blog.
Love the Maori Spa - Pleated Zipper Pouch!!
**I follow your blog**
I love the LOUISE - Gray cotton clutch with red flower detail. (From fussed.)
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the Blue Peacocks Zipper Pouch! I have a thing for peacocks, haha! Gorgeous stuff!
I love the Maori Spa-pleated zipper pouch. I follow your blog and louloubell's blog.
I love the Aqua reef zipper pouch.
i love this: Cherry Blossom - Teeny Zipper Pouch
and now i'm a new followers in your blog and in Etsy, my Etsy user id is: grazpas (if you like look my shop on Etsy).
I need you pochette very very lovely..
I like the Creamy Meadow - Zipper Pouch / Change Purse.
jswandrn @
I love the Pretty Olive - Pleated Zipper Pouch but there are so many pretty ones to choose from! christylaverty(at)hotmail(dot)com
my favorite would be the MAE - Embroidered zippered clutch / pouch
tiramisu392 (at)
I really like the Maori Spa - Pleated Zipper Pouch! It's so pretty!
My favorite is the black medallion Zipper pouch
*email in id -just click
I tweeted here
I love her fabric choices!! So pretty. One of my favorites is the Vintage Brown Floral - Wristlet.
I follow The Sunshine Studio
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I love the Vintage Forest - Zipper Pouch
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I really like the peacocks zippered pouch.
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Blog entry #7
Ciao!!!sono una ragazza italiana mi piacciono molto le tue creazioni e spero nella fortuna!!:-))complimenti per il tuo lavoro molto molto bello!
My favorite item is the Marine Berries - Zipper Pouch
I'm a follower of you
Love the Orchid hair comb from Fussed! It would be a lovely addition to my hair on my wedding day. :)
cassandranphillips {at} gmail {dot} com
I am a blog follower.
And, I will tweet about this giveaway. [@SassyBrideTN]
I really like Pretty Olive Pleated Bag-lovely details!
Elaine R
I love all of LouLouBell creations! I cant chose one!
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Entry 2
I am a follower of LouLouBell
Entry 3
I am a follower of LouLouBell
Entry 4
I am a follower of LouLouBell
Entry 5
I am a follower of LouLouBell
Entry 6
I really like the Chocolate Spring - Zipper Pouch by LouLouBell!!!!
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #1
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #2
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #3
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #4
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #5
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #6
I blogged this sweet giveaway!!!
Entry #7
Blog follower!!!!
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Blog follower!!!!
the turquoise wristlet is lovely!
sandtneal at mfire dot com
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sandtneal at mfire dot com
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sandtneal at mfire dot com
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sandtneal at mfire dot com
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sandtneal at mfire dot com
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sandtneal at mfire dot com
My favorite item is the Maori Spa - Pleated Zipper Pouch from Louloubell.
I'm following your blog and Lyndsay's blog.
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
I really like the Kleo Sage - Padded Zipper Pouch / Case! Thanks for the chance to win.
MAE - Embroidered zippered clutch / pouch these little flowers and buds are so delicate and the colors are gorgeous.
I like Mirabelle Red - Zipper Pouch / Coin Purse.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I follow - janetfaye
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5. I follow - janetfaye
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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
6. Blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
7. Blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Kleo Sage padded pouch!
+5 I follow this blog!
+5 I follow Lyndsay's blog too!
contact me at:
My favorite is the Pretty Olive pleated zipper pouch. Love the details! trixpixel(at)
I follow your blog! #1
I follow your blog! #2
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I follow your blog! #4
I follow your blog! #5
I really like the Mirabelle Red Teeny Zipper Pouch - so cute!
My fave is the beautiful Marine Berries - Zipper Pouch!
I'm a follower #1
I'm a follower #5
I really like the Lime Juice - Zipper Pouch, sooo cute!
My favorite is the Blue Peacocks- Zipper Pouch ,so pretty
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